If you are considering applying for the Å·ÃÀÐÔ°®Æ¬Study Abroad programme and anticipate being overseas for a semester next year, then we recommend that you do not enter into a full year tenancy agreement with an accommodation provider in the UK. By doing so you’ll enter into a legal agreement to pay rent to the landlord for the full term of the contract, which could then impact your ability to be part of the study abroad programme or result in you having to continue paying rent to the landlord in the UK while having to pay rent overseas as well.

What should I do if I have already entered into an accommodation contract?

If you have entered into a contract for next year and also want to undertake the study abroad programme, you should not sub-let your UK accommodation to another tenant without express written permission from the landlord. Subletting is not normally allowed and if you do so without permission then you continue to be the person legally liable for all rent and any damage done during the period of your tenancy even if you are not actually living there. To find a replacement student to take over your contract you should first check with your landlord or agent that this is okay. After getting permission you can then advertise your room, a good place to do this is . If you find a replacement student then you will need to ensure that your contract is cancelled and a new contract is created between the landlord and your replacement.

What are my options if I have yet to book any accommodation?

We recommend that you wait to find accommodation in the UK for next year until after you have been informed of the outcome to your Å·ÃÀÐÔ°®Æ¬Study Abroad programme application. This is normally in mid-March. If successful you can then commence searching for suitable accommodation in the UK for the period you require it. To try and assist with this, we have arranged with an accredited private student accommodation provider for a limited number of rooms to be held for Study Abroad participants. The idea is that you will share the contract on a room with another Study Aboard participant and therefore only be in contract and pay for the period more suited to your needs. These rooms are limited and will be offered to Study Abroad participants on a first-come, first-served basis. Details will be sent to you by the Global Engagement Student Mobility Team after the Study Abroad programme application deadline in mid-February.